Test Update: General Chemistry and Immunoassay Testing

Effective February 10, 2019, PathGroup is pleased to announce the introduction of new testing equipment and methods for serum and plasma based general chemistry and immunoassay tests manufactured by the market leader in global clinical testing, Roche Diagnostics.


To read more, click here.

Test Update: Pan-TRK IHC Testing for Vitrakvi

Effective 3/4/2019

In late 2018, the FDA approved Vitrakvi® (larotrectinib) for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with solid tumors that have a neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinase (NTRK) gene fusion without a known acquired resistance mutation, are metastatic or where surgical resection is likely to result in severe morbidity and have no satisfactory alternative treatments or that have progressed following treatment.

PathGroup is pleased to announce the availability of Pan-TRK IHC (EPR17341) for this new indication. Orders within the SmartGenomics family of profiles will have TRK added based on the clinical context of the patient. The antibody is also available as a stand-alone immunohistochemistry test.


Click here for more information.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. There are an estimated 140,000 new cases diagnosed every year and about 50,000 people lose their lives to colorectal cancer each year. According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of developing colorectal cancer is slightly lower in women (4.15%) than in men (4.49%).

Click here for more information about Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

Test Update: General Chemistry Testing

On February 10, 2019, PathGroup introduced new automated clinical chemistry instrumentation manufactured by Roche Diagnostics. At that time, our reported reference ranges were based on Roche FDA cleared or approved product labeling and as validated in correlation studies performed at PathGroup.  Effective February 27 – 28, 2019, we have slightly modified the following test reference ranges in accordance with statistical analysis with our actual patient population.


For more information, click here.

February is American Heart Month

PathGroup recognizes the efforts of the American Heart Association and healthcare providers in identifying, diagnosing and managing patients at risk for and impacted by heart disease.

Click here for more information about American Heart Month.

Test Update: Urine Opiates Confirmation Testing

Effective January 14, 2019, PathGroup is pleased to introduce new LC/MS/MS methodology for the confirmation of urine opiates (Morphine, Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone, Codeine, Noroxycodone, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Norhydrocodone, and 6-Acetylmorphine).

For more information, click here.

Personal Genome Diagnostics and PathGroup Enter Co-Development Agreement to Accelerate the Availability of Comprehensive Genomic Profiling with TMB

BALTIMORE – (Monday, January 7, 2019) – Personal Genome Diagnostics Inc. (PGDx), a leader in cancer genomics, and PathGroup, a premier provider of anatomic, clinical and molecular laboratory services, announced today that they have entered into a co-development agreement for the PGDx elio™ tissue complete assay.

Click Here to read the press release.

Kathryn Knight, MD named CAP Speaker of the House of Delegates

Brentwood, TN – (Monday, November 12, 2018) Dr. Kathryn Knight, Medical Director for Women’s Health Services and Cytopathology for PathGroup Laboratories, was elected Speaker of the House of Delegates at the recent annual meeting of the College of American Pathologists in Chicago, Illinois.

Click here to read the entire press release.

Patrick “Alan” Lennon, PhD, FACMG, Completes Term as President of the Cancer Genomics Consortium at the CGC Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN

After serving as President-Elect/Scientific Program Chair for the annual meeting held in Denver, CO in 2017, Alan Lennon, PhD, FACMG took the helm as President of the Cancer Genomics Consortium.  The Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC) is a non-profit organization formed in 2009 by a group of clinical cytogeneticists, molecular geneticists, and molecular pathologists who are interested in applying whole genome and other genetic technologies to cancer diagnosis and cancer research.  During his presidential term, working groups which Lennon fostered back in 2016 to publish evidence-based reviews on assessing whole genome copy number aberrations and copy neutral loss of heterozygosity as best practice in a variety of cancers saw several works accepted for publication. Over 270 cancer geneticists from 7 countries converged on the annual meeting in Nashville, TN, August 5 – 8. The 2018 Annual Meeting was the largest meeting to date and was supported by the largest corporate sponsorship to date. Lennon’s presidential term culminated at the annual meeting, although he serves two more years on the Board of Directors.
